Thursday, November 29, 2012

Love and that awful word called "Abundance"

There is a word in the English language that has come into form in the last few years, and more people are using it than ever before. I used to like this word, but now I find that its expression has fallen into a different vernacular, one that has now become unctuous. It is hard to listen to, and much harder to say. The meaning of this word is opposite of what I learned when I was young, and the meaning is now so odious that it is even hard to say. The word is “abundance.” When I was young, the word was defined as “overflowing” but it implied benevolence. Its concept and application was in the context of sharing. “Abbondanza”, the Italian equivalent, is precisely that, mostly expressed around a feast that is passed around for the benefit of all to take part. Abundance was viewed as a gift but only to be shared with others or the character of this gift was diminished. In farming country, the word “abundance” was often associated with “an abundant harvest.” It is customary that these harvests were shared with the other farmers in the area which resulted in celebration. Each farmer offered their abundant stores to another: Wheat was shared with corn farmers, corn was shared with soy farmers, and so on. This practice reflected the essence and intention of the word “abundance.” But now I see that this expression has become defined as riches, wealth and prosperity. I read that people are “praying for abundance” and relating it to cars, homes, and money. They are visualizing “abundance” in purely and completely the material application with no mention of a shared harvest or gathering in joined celebration. It is merely an expression of what you want, how much you want, and when you want it. It is supposed to have some loose spiritual assignment to it, as you are asking the Universe to fulfill your needs, when in reality it is a poor disguise for the screamingly selfish sentiment of “I want it all. I want it now. And I want it to be mine, mine, mine.” Abundance is, at its very basic understanding, expressing that “we are all in this together” not “every man for himself.” But the word is being turned to match the increasing sentiment of “I, me, mine” instead of “we, us, them.” We have turned this beautiful word on its head. From now on, I hope that you all understand the power of your verbiage and the intent of your expression when you raise the word “abundance” to your lips. Ask not for your selfish intent but for your highest expression of good and kindness. Ask not for what you can receive but what you can offer. Ask that your needs be met, of course, but ask for the meeting of another’s needs as well. Choose this beautiful word in the fulfillment of need not just for yourself but for the needs of many. We truly are all in this life together. May we travel the essence of that abundant path, together

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